Monday 22 March 2010

Unused Images

When taking photo's for my magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread I had an idea that most of the images would be in a medium/long shot and so decided to take the majority of my images in that shot. However, I decided to take some in a medium close up and some in a long shot to vary the images and make sure I had a selection to chose from when it came to making my final product.

Also when taking my photos I ensured that they were taken with a variety of poses and facial expressions to make sure I had a wide enough selection to chose from. However all making the same link that the magazine is individual and different and the readers should be the same, not scared to break out of the typical stereotypes we see in everyday media. I also ensured that the model was featured in different outfits to connote different sides to their personality which was a big thing running through the theme of my main story; not everyone is how they are portrayed in the media spotlight and you shouldn't judge someone just because of the way they look, before you've met and got to know them.
Similarly when taking my photo's I ensured that they were taken against a blank canvas so it was easier to edit and could be used without edits if needed.

The images above are the ones that I i did not think right or fitted well with my final product. Although some of the images used in the final construction are similar to the above I feel the ones chose have the right twist to fit well with my cover, contents and double page spread, whether it be the stance or facial expression etc.

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