Thursday 22 October 2009

Contents Page

Here is a mock up of my contents page for my college magazine. I have chose to include images, the content listings and a note from the editor in my magazine including an image relating to the main image on the front cover.
I decided to include a note from the editor to let the readers know what has been going on throughout the past month and other information that may not be included in every issue of the magazine.
The image relating to the main cover story is placed at the top of the contents page as it is the most inportant feature of the month and therefore, with it being placed at the top, is one of the first things people will notice when they open the magazine and look through the contents page.
The second image i have chose to include will be one that relates to a story that has not been shown on the cover but is still included in the magazine. This will give the readers more of an insite into what the magazine includes without them having to scan through the whole thing.
Content listings and page numbers have been included as, other than them being typical magazine conventions, they are there to help the reader direct their way around the magazine and, alongside the second image, give the reader a clearer indication as to what the magazine will include.
'Contents' is shown clear at the top of the page, along with the wyke logo to to let the readers know what page of the magazine they are on. The logo is included as it is shows the name of the magazine, once again, therefore not letting the reader forget it, making it stick in their mind.

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