Friday 9 October 2009

College magazine analysis

'Bounce' magazine is dominated by a party theme. We can tell this by the multi-coloured light in the background and also the pose of the model; she is posed as if she was dancing. This relates to the target audience, college students, as parties are a main aspect in students lives and this, therefore, makes the students buy the magazine as they feel more included in the lifestyle the magazine is referring to.

The masthead of the magazine is bold and stands out without drawing too much attention away from the main focus of the cover; the model. The masthead is also in quite a modern font, once again relating to the target audience and making them feel more engaged in the magazine, urging them to purchase it.

The model featured is of different ethnicity to white British highlighting that this magazine is not only for people of all ethnic backgrounds but also that college is for people of all ethnic backgrounds and that no one should feel the minority. The model on the cover is also making eye contact with the audience making them feel more involved with the magazine and the lifestyle.

The cover lines are producing a bias opinion towards students, such as, 'we are the new breed!' highlighting a new type of teenagers/students, oppose to the violent, drug abusing stereotype we are used to. The use of 'we' also engages the audience more as it includes and involves them in the lifestyle, whereas the use of 'I' would make the reader feel more of an outsider and less likely to buy the magazine as they don't feel part of the student group. Another cover line 'culture on the rise' refers to how the student majority is not purely white and that more cultures and backgrounds are being introduced to todays society.

This magazine is aimed, predominantly, towards students who are less interested in extra curiculum activites and more interested in, when they finish college and go home, either just relaxing or going out with their friends. The magazine also aims towards females as the colour scheme is bright, soft and girly with colours such as purple, pink and red being used.

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