Friday 16 October 2009

College magazine analysis #2

'College' magazine's predominant feature is the model standing directly in the middle of the frame. Although both this magazine and 'Bounce' magazine are aimed at college students, the type of student differs. The target audience of 'College' are those who prefer more academic activities and students who prefer to study whereas the target audience of 'Bounce' magazine is those who prefer to socialise and go out with their friends in their spare time. We can see this as the model is wearing more formal clothes and is carrying text books for law and business, which are academic subjects as oppose to art or drama etc. The magazine also aims, predominantly, at males, as the colours are black and green, dark colours, which represent male stereotypes as appose to females.

The masthead of the magazine is bold and stands out due to the bold, bright colours. The masthead, although large, doesn't draw attention away from the model as he is partly covering it. If the model was not covering the masthead he would be overpowered by the magazine title and therefore not be the centre focus as he should be. 

The language used is modern and is advertising modern activities and things, therefore relating to the target audience, college students, and, in turn, making them feel more involved with the magazine. 'Make Money On Campus' relates to students as it is difficult for them to find a job easily, therefore this cover line stands out to the students and makes them want to purchase the magazine and read on. This represents individuality; people who are going out to make their own money are willing to be on their own.
Despite predominantly aiming towards students who prefer more academic subjects, 'College' also has features that appeal to those who prefer the more social side of things. 'College Couture' and 'Thank God It's Friday' instantly draw people in as 'Couture' represents clothes and fashion and 'Thank God It's Friday' represents parties and having fun and relaxing over the weekend. This, once again, draw people in and encourages them to buy the magazine and find out how to achieve the things the cover lines are promoting. 

As featured on the cover of 'Bounce' magazine the model is not white. This beats any form of racism and shows that this magazine is for everyone and different ethnicities are seen everywhere. 
The model also makes eye-contact with the camera, connecting with the reader and making them feel more involved with the magazine and the student lifestyle.

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