Thursday 17 December 2009

Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis #3

The contents page of 'MOJO' magazine features, at the top of the page, the word 'MOJO', as appose contents. However, the reader can tell that this is the contents page due to the typical conventions such as page numbers, feature headings in a bold text, information under the heading about that feature and also, images relating to one, or more, of the features in the magazine. The title text ('MOJO') is bold, large and in a simple font, making it stand out and catch the readers eye.

Featured down the left hand side of the splash are the content listings, telling the audience and letting them know what will be featured in the magazine that issue. The page numbers which, along with the feature heading, are in bold, standing out and showing the reader clearly what the feature is and where to find it.

Placed under each sub-title is a italicised description of what will feature in that certain article. The descriptions vary from long to short, still, in each case, not giving too much away about the content, pulling the reader in and urging them to read further.

Despite having a main story featured on the front cover, 'MOJO' magazine does not concentrate it's contents page on this one feature. Instead, different images of things related to the features down the left of the page are shown. By doing this it shows the reader more of what is featured in the magazine and not just the one main feature on the front cover as the reader are already aware of this feature due to it being the first thing they notice when they see the magazine. The images are also arranged in a collage layout, making the reader relate to the magazine more due to the layed back feel it is connoting as it gives off a vibe that they have just placed the images wherever and not given too much thought into it, giving the impression of being effortlessly cool.

The page numbers and text relating to the title are also featured on top of the images. Helping this text (page numbers and text relating to the feature) stand out and making it obvious to the reader, is a bold red background placed behind the text, on top of the image.

Some of these images, however, do not link with the text to the left, some have been put there instead of text. This not only gives the page a good ratio between text and image but also leaves the reader intrigued as only an image and title is being revealed and no explanation as to what the feature will contain is included. This leaves the reader in suspense as to what the article is about, making them want to read on and discover more.

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